Sports, Music and Culture

Athletes, Entertainers and Artists Exercise First Amendment Freedoms


Free Expression or Infringement? 10 Famous Copyright Cases to Know

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But when does it go too far?

Is the TikTok Law a Violation of the First Amendment?

Exploring the First Amendment implications of the new TikTok law.

15 of the Most Famous Banned Books in US History

From government challenges to library restrictions, these are some of the most famous banned books…

Can Rap Lyrics Be Used as Evidence in Court? A First Amendment Analysis

When do rap lyrics go beyond protected free speech?

Canceled Comedians: 15 Performers Who Have Been ‘Canceled’ (and Why)

Exploring comedy, free speech and "cancel culture."

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Prayers protected: What does the Supreme Court say about prayer in school?