Matching and Legacy Gifts

Multiply Your Support for The First Amendment

Your support of the Freedom Forum helps us foster First Amendment freedoms for all. Your gift could go twice as far today, through a match from your employer.

Does your employer have a matching gift program? Check to see if your company will double your impact.

If your company does not offer a matching gift program, consider asking your human resources department to start one.

Make The First Amendment Your Legacy

Our Legacy Society honors people who demonstrate their deep commitment to the First Amendment by including the Freedom Forum in their estate plans.

You can join the Legacy Society and protect First Amendment freedoms for future generations by including the Freedom Forum in your will or naming the Freedom Forum as a beneficiary of your life insurance.

Legacy Society members receive:

  • Invitations to special events;
  • Updates on the work of the Freedom Forum;
  • Recognition in Freedom Forum publications.

A bequest can be in the form of a fixed amount, a percentage of your estate or a residual amount after your estate provides for your other beneficiaries. We recommend consulting with your lawyer or financial adviser as you formulate your estate plans.

The Development Office is available to work with you to ensure that your wishes are carried out. We can also share more about planned giving options.

If you have already included the Freedom Forum in your estate plan, please let us know. We thank you for your planned gift.

Bequest Language

  • Specific bequests are those in which a donor bequeaths a specific dollar amount or specific asset(s). Sample language: I give, devise and bequeath $_____ (or the following asset) to Freedom Forum, Inc., located in Washington, D.C., (Tax ID 54-1604427) for its general purposes.
  • Percentage bequests are those in which a donor bequeaths a percentage of the estate. Sample language: I give, devise and bequeath to Freedom Forum, Inc., located in Washington, D.C., (Tax ID 54-1604427), for the Freedom Forum general purposes, an amount equal to ______ percent (__%) of my adjusted gross estate as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes.
  • Residuary bequests are those in which a donor bequeaths all or a percentage of the remainder of the estate after other gifts, debts, taxes and expenses. Sample language: I give, devise and bequeath all (or a percentage) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal and wheresoever situate, to Freedom Forum, Inc., located in Washington, D.C., (Tax ID 54-1604427) for its general purposes.
  • Contingent bequests are received by the Freedom Forum only if a donor’s primary beneficiaries are not surviving at the time of the donor’s death. Sample language: If (primary beneficiary) does not survive me, I give, devise and bequeath such beneficiary’s share of my estate (or trust) to Freedom Forum, Inc., located in Washington, D.C., (Tax ID 54-1604427) for its general purposes.

Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions or for additional information.

The Freedom Forum (Tax ID: 54-1604427) is a nonpartisan 501(c)3 private operating foundation dedicated to fostering First Amendment freedoms for all.