Can you be punished for protesting?

You Mean I Can’t What? Religious Freedom in Difficult Times

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many people questioned their religious freedom rights versus government intervention. Some communities grappled with concerns about the separation of church and state. This webinar explores the difficult decisions houses of worship faced during stay-at-home mandates and what that meant for religious freedom.


  • Sabrina Dent, Freedom Forum Religious Freedom Center

Featured panelists include:

  • Richard Foltin, Freedom Forum fellow for religious liberty and former Director of National and Legislative Affairs, American Jewish Committee.
  • Maggie Garrett, vice president for public policy at Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
  • Mandisa Thomas, president and founder of Black Nonbelievers.
  • Charles Watson Jr., director of education at BJC and interfaith leader.
  • Lata Nott, Freedom Forum fellow for the First Amendment (moderator).

Recorded April 7, 2020.

This webinar was made possible by generous support from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations and the Henry Luce Foundation.

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